
Dexterity Project Private Limited has always made its goal to introduce new technology and product to the market. The remote and secure access management of assets is one challenge, which every industry is facing today. To address this pressing need of the various industries including Telecom , Company has signed up with Smart Locking Logic , a world class South African company who is leading developer and manufacturer of centrally advanced locking and tracking solutions.

The company main focus is on the development of access management solutions for the telecommunications industry. The company has also branched out to a number of new industries such as access management for municipal infrastructure and valuable asset tracking.

Some of the Products developed and manufactured by the company are :-

GLAM ( Gridlock Access Management)
GRIDLOCK Secure Exam Management​
Utility Monitor​
Rhi-Node Access Chambers​
Bluetooth Smart Key
GSM smart Key
GLAM lock
GLAM Padlock